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Epitaxy tutorial


1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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  • if Si is partially covered partially with oxide → Si will grow only on single-crystalline Si, thus the SiO2 can be used as mask
  • it is possible to appear growth also on the oxide however the growth rate is much lower: SiO2 < Si3N4 < Si


  • Problems:
    • Si nodules may appear on SiO2 and HCl is necessary to etch them (HCl is added in the reactor with the other gases)
    • Growth rate dependence with window size (see picture) can cause problems
    • Faceting - growth rate dependence on crystal planes
  • ELO - extended lateral growth
    • problems with defects in the area where Si join together over the oxide

1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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