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Epitaxy tutorial


1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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  • Homepitaxy  - growth of the same material as the substrate, example: Si on Si
  • Heteroepitaxy  - the grown film is different from the substrate
    • Commensurate growth (matched lattice) - small differences between the two lattices (small f = lattice misfit)
    • Incommensurate growth (relaxed lattice) - high f - defects appear
    • Pseudomorphic growth (strained lattice) - high f - less defects, but high stress exists
      • Layer strains to match the substrate
      • in order for the lattice to strain, it is necessary that the adatom/adatom interaction to be low in comparison to the adatom/surface interaction

, where a0(s ) characterises the substrate lattice and a0(f ) characterises the film lattice



Example: SiGe on Si

  • SiGe film is strained at the interface and then at higher thickness it becomes relaxed (with defects)
  • when the accumulated misfit f*thickness = a0/2, then the film is relaxed and dislocations (defects) appear
  • A critical thickness can be defined as the thickness where the film becomes relaxed
    • the critical thickness depends on impurities and composition (for example decreases with increasing germanium content in SiGe)

1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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