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Epitaxy tutorial


1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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  • a possibility is autodoping: desorbtion of impurities from a film and incorporation in a another film
  • another type of doping is doping during film growth:
    • Dopant sources: B2H6 - diborane, AsH3 - arsine, PH3 - phosphine (diluted with H2)
    • The doping concentration depends on gas flow, temperature and deposition rate
      • For diluted flows, the incorporated dopant concentration Cdop ~ dopant gas flow
      • For hgh flows, the incorporated dopant concentration Cdop ~ (dopant gas flow)1/2
      • Lower temperatures allow higher doping
      • Dilution is required in order to obtain lightly doped layers
    • High doping (high dopant gas flow) slows the deposition rate by occupying sites
    • Segregation coefficient is defined as: , for K < 1 the dopant is rejected

1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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