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Epitaxy tutorial


1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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  • Deposition is limited by the reaction rate at the surface of the wafer (in epitaxy there are large flows, thus there is no limitation of mass transport)
  • Etching takes place (in parralel with the film growth) due to the presence of HCl
    • Si + 2HCl = SiCl2 + H2, the total reaction rate can be written as a function of partial pressures: R=k1pSiCl2-k2pHCl
  • The end product is a crystal →  the surface of a film will look as below with terrace and kinks and steps (terrace-kink surface)
    • in order to a have a perfect crystal, the terrace needs to be completed entirely, before a new one is grown
    • in order for adsorbed particles to find all the vacancies, it is imperative for them to have sufficient energy for surface diffusion (high temperature is needed)
    • if too many molecules arrive on the surface and there is no time for diffusion → agglomerates are created

  • Temperature influence on deposition rate: same as in the CVD case
    • at low temperatures deposition rate ~ e-E/kT
    • at high temperatures deposition rate becomes independent of temperature, because the reaction rate is so high, that the deposition depends only on the mass transport to the surface

1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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