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Epitaxy tutorial


1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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  • Atomic resolution, no dopant diffusion
  • Ultrahigh vacuum - 10-10 Torr
  • A beam is produced by a source, which can be:
    • Knudsen cell - effusion cell - solid sources are evaporated
    • Electron- beam
    • Gas source


  • Combine RTP and VPE - for limiting diffusion
  • The wafer is heated by lamps
  • Problems with temperature uniformity (tthe wafer is cooler at the edges) -
    • solution: can deposit in mass limited regime but it is not possile tilting the wafers for uniform stagnant layers (as is the case for simple VPE), due to the heating method


  • CVD wafer tilted to for a uniform stagnant layer
  • Similar to LPCVD
  • For low deposition growth at low temperatures - low flows are used
  • in order to have a clean surface ( important for epitaxy), high vacuum is used

1. Theory of crystal growth
2. Various epitaxy methods

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