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Materials and material properties tutorial


1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

pages: 1

Materials used for fabricating devices:

  • classification on engineering use: metallic (Al, Cu, Au), polymers, ceramics, organic, alloys (Ni-Fe, Pb-Sn), piezoelectrics (ZnO), superconductive materials (YBa2Cu3O7-x)
  • classification on structure: amorphous (no long range order), polycrystalline, monocrystalline
  • classification on conductivity: conductors, semiconductors, dielectric
  • classification on mechanical properties: brittle or easily stretched
  • classification on optical properties: reflective or transparent



LARGE DIVERSITY due to various composition, bonding, structure.


  • Single crystalline silicon is the most important
  • Polysilicon
    • has a columnar structure
    • grain size of 1 micron
    • inside the grain the material is crystalline
    • the neighbouring grains have various crystalline orientations
    • the grain boundaries have deletorious effect upon conductivity, due to high density of traps
    • deposited by LPCVD at 600oC
  • Silicon dioxide
    • grown at 1000oC in furnace
    • deposited at lower temperature with plasma but worse properties
  • Silicon nitride
  • Silicides
    • alloys between silicon and metals MoSi2, WSi2, TaSi2, TiSi2, PtSi, PdSi2
    • fabricated by sputtering and CVD
  • Metals
    • aluminium and Cu (for electrical interconnections), FeNi, Pa, Pl (for sensors and actuators)
    • PVD, CVD, electroplating - are the main fabrication methods
  • Organic layers
    • photoresist, passivation layer
    • separation of DNA and proteins in nanotechnology

1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

pages: 1

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