a conformal film is deposited when the film has uniform thickness in the trenches as well as on the plateau
a film has good step coverage if it is able to cover the surface topology
in a reactor where the molecules move in all directions (normal situations for medium and high pressure) the deposition takes place more on the top surfaces, and less in the trenches,
voids can be created, when the two bumps shown above unite, while the trench remains unfilled
the explanation: the film thickness depends on the arriving angle (the bigger the angle, the more molecules hit that point - the rule is valid only for high pressure, when the particle movement is randomised due to often collisions)
the arriving angle is pictured in the image below (90o for the corner of the trench, 270o for the top)
a few definitions:
Aspect ratio = h/w
Conformity = b/c
Sidewall step coverage = b/a
Bottom step coverage = d/a
for improving step coverage, there are a few solutions:
a layer can be etched back by plasma etching or CMP
enhanced surface migration by increasing the temperature
moving the substrate
for poor adhesion, the film can be easily removed from the substrate, peeling off
improved by cleaning, plasma sputtering which removes the surface oxide
1. Important film properties in technology 2. A few materials