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Materials and material properties tutorial


1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

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  • influences film properties as: chemical reactivity, electrical conduction, mechanical behaviour,
  • vacancies: (the absence of an atom - see picture below) in case there are a lot of vacancies, the film is porous


  • dislocations = line defects, edge or screw (see picture below); play an important role in mechanical deformations, important also for epitaxy; dislocations can be avoided in a crystal, while vacancies can't

  • grain boundaries = heterogeneous regions where various processes are accelerated and electronic transport impeded; separates the grains (crystalline regions) in a polycrystalline film


Chemical composition:

  • contaminations: metals from sputtering, water from vacuum leaks
  • chemical bonds: films should possess strong chemical bonds, not easily broken or strained; the bonds are observable in optical absorption spectra

1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

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