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Materials and material properties tutorial


1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

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Important film parameters:

  • uniformity

  • step coverage:

    • a conformal film is deposited when the film has uniform thickness in the trenches as well as on the plateau
    • a film has good step coverage if it is able to cover the surface topology
    • in a reactor where the molecules move in all directions (normal situations for medium and high pressure) the deposition takes place more on the top surfaces, and less in the trenches,

      • voids can be created, when the two bumps shown above unite, while the trench remains unfilled

      • the explanation: the film thickness depends on the arriving angle (the bigger the angle, the more molecules hit that point - the rule is valid only for high pressure, when the particle movement is randomised due to often collisions)

      • the arriving angle is pictured in the image below (90o for the corner of the trench, 270o for the top)

    • a few definitions:

      • Aspect ratio = h/w

      • Conformity = b/c

      • Sidewall step coverage = b/a

      • Bottom step coverage = d/a

    • for improving step coverage, there are a few solutions:
      • a layer can be etched back by plasma etching or CMP
      • enhanced surface migration by increasing the temperature
      • moving the substrate
  • adhesion:
    • for poor adhesion, the film can be easily removed from the substrate, peeling off
    • improved by cleaning, plasma sputtering which removes the surface oxide

1. Important film properties in technology
2. A few materials

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