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Deposition and growth using liquid sources tutorial


1. Chemical liquid deposition
2. Physical liquid deposition
3. Nanodeposition

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  • Definition: an electrochemical process in which a metal is deposited on a substrate by passing a current through the bath solution.
  • Differences between electroplating and electrodeless plating: 2 electrodes, a bias is applied betwwen the two electrodes
  • How is it done?
    • Cathode (-) provides the electrons necessary for the ions Ni2+ to be neutralised and deposited (plated)
      • Ni2+ + 2e- → Ni reduction
    • Anode (+) Ni is etched
      • Ni - 2e- → Ni2+ oxidation
    • Formation of H2 is undesirable

  • Metal source: (there are two possible sources for the deposited metal)
    • metal anode with desired material (as in the previous example - see animation)
    • solution, which is the salt of the metal (for example NiCl2 is used to deposit Ni)
      • a bias is still aplied, but the anode is not etched
      • the chemical reactions in this case are:
        • Cathode (-) Ni2+ + 2e- → Ni reduction
        • Anode (+) 2Cl- + 2e- → Cl2 oxidation
  • Deposition rate =
    • proportional with the applied current and the mass of atom
    • inverse proprtional with the number of electrons required for the ion to be neutralised (2 in the cas of Ni)

  • Step coverage: Smaller features are plated first (for smaller structures, the current is higher, therefore the deposition rate is higher)

1. Chemical liquid deposition
2. Physical liquid deposition
3. Nanodeposition

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