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Chemical Vapor Deposition tutorial


1. Theory of gas kinetics
2. Plasma
3. Principle of Chemical Vapor Deposition
4. Types of CVD

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  • Drift - caused by electric field
  • Diffusion - caused by the gradient in concentration/pressure
    • Electrons are faster, therefore they are first to reach for example a floating surface in the chamber, thus they charge negatively any surface
    • Subsequently electrons are repelled by the negative surface (negative in relation to the plasma potential) and ions are attracted to the surface
    • At equilibrium, an electric field is created by the positive and negative charges
  • Vp - plasma potential (the potential that plasma has in relation to a grounded surface)
  • VF - floating potential
    • the potential of a surface floating (without any applied bias, not grounded) in the plasma
    • depends on the ion mass and electron tempreature:

1. Theory of gas kinetics
2. Plasma
3. Principle of Chemical Vapor Deposition
4. Types of CVD

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