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Chemical Vapor Deposition tutorial


1. Theory of gas kinetics
2. Plasma
3. Principle of Chemical Vapor Deposition
4. Types of CVD

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Surface reactions (heterogeneous) :

  • Surface adsorption  SiH2(g)  ↔  SiH2(a) 
    •  Physical adsorbtion (weak forces beatween molecules) 
    • Chemisorption (chemical bonds between atoms)
    • The sticking coefficient (0 < γ < 1) defines the capacity of  molecules to adhere to the surface
      • it has an Arrhenius dependence on temperature
  • Diffusion on the surface - diffusion coefficient has also an Arrhenius dependence on temperature, increasing with temperature 
  • Surface reaction - reaction rate has also an Arrhenius dependence on temperature (therefore temperature is neede for diffusion of atoms on the surface and for chemical reactions)
    • SiH2(a)  →  Si(s) + H2(a)
  • Desorption - hydrogen in the case of Si deposition is desorbed from the surface - temperature is also needed for this reaction
    • H2(a) → H2(g)
    • H + H → H2(g)


In the picture is shwon how the SiH2 molecules arrive at the Si surface which is saturated with hydrogen. The hydrogen is desorbed and Si takes its place.

1. Theory of gas kinetics
2. Plasma
3. Principle of Chemical Vapor Deposition
4. Types of CVD

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