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Physical Vapor Deposition tutorial


1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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Can be improved by:

  • heating the substrate, although this method must be used with care, due to the fact that:
    • reactions may occur at Al/Si interface due to high temperature and a barrier material may be required between the two materials (Al and Si) to avoid reactions
    • the grain structure is modified by the temperature, grains can be bigger and the resulted film can be rougher
  • force fill
  • biasing the substrate - bias sputtering
    • A bias is applied on wafer in order to atract Ar ions and:

      • clean the substrate and remove native oxide

      • sputter deposited material in the trench and redeposit it on the sidewall, like in the picture below

    • Disadvantages of bias sputtering:

      • the films may have higher roughness due to the succesive processes of deposition and sputtering

      • the film can get damaged for high biases, due to bombardment with high energy Ar ions

  • introducing a collimator - collimator sputtering
    • the collimator has the purpose to select only the atoms that arrive perpendicular on the substrate, stopping the atoms which arrive at higher angles

    • Disadvantages of collimator sputtering:

      • deposition takes place also on collimator, thus the collimator has to be replaced periodically

      • low deposition rate on substrate due to the selection process

      • reduced sidewall coverage (see picture below)

  • Ionised metal plasma
    • Sputtered atoms pass trough a plasma and become ions
    • Ions arrive at substrate, are neutralised and deposited

1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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