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Physical Vapor Deposition tutorial


1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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  • When a particle collides with a surface, depending on the particle energy and angle , it may:
    1. bounce off (ion leaves the surface without damaging the surface)
    2. be adsorbed physically at surface, for energies < 10 eV and it may react chemically afterwards
    3. be implanted deep in substrate, for energies > 10 eV (first animation)
    4. dislodge atoms - which represents the phenomena of sputtering for very high energy >> 10 eV (second animation)
  • Energy is partially transferred from the incoming particle to the atoms in the layer
  • If the energy is higher than the threshold energy (10 - 40 eV) to break bonds, then the atoms are removed
  • Ussualy one atom removes another atom (binary collisions), but more atoms can be involved in the process (ion A hits atom B, which hits atom C that leaves the network - see the second animation)
  • The processes have been compared to hitting balls in a pool game
  • For higher incident angles than 45, less atoms are involved and the yield is higher


1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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