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Introduction in schematic design of PCB projects tutorial


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of a wide range of computer-based tools that assist engineers and architects in their design activities. It involves both software and special-purpose hardware.


CAD is sometimes translated as "computer-assisted design", "computer-aided drafting", or a similar phrase. Related acronyms are CADD, which stands for "computer-aided design and drafting", and CAAD, for "computer-aided architectural design". All these latter terms are essentially synonymous, and refer to the designing and technical drawing of various projects by use of a computer rather than a traditional drawing board.


The spectrum of architectural and engineering projects commonly created with computer-aided drafting is broad, and include architectural design, mechanical design, electrical & electronics design, and other forms of design communication. Today they constitute part of a broader definition of computer-aided design.

1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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