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Introduction in schematic design of PCB projects tutorial


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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Integrating computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) with computer-aided design systems produces quicker and more efficient manufacturing processes. This methodology is applied in different manufacturing areas.


In electronic design automation, CAM tools prepare printed circuit board (PCB) and integrated circuit design data for manufacturing.

  • Verification of the data
  • Panelization of the design to fit the raw material
  • Ability to edit
  • Ability to add manufacturing information

Example of a CAM system workscreen


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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