Design a PCB digital module in CMOS technology which generate a continuous burst audio sound based on 4 oscillators (see the block diagram from below). The first three are trigger Schmitt oscillators, each one being designed with a single CMOS gate. The last oscillator is a classical one, with 2 CMOS inverters, and must have a variable duty cicle. Place at the output a piezoceramic buzzer in order to avoid the usage of an audio amplifier and a loudspeaker. Find the optimum solution in order to use only two integrated circuits.

Remark: For 'beginner' level in PCB design, the tutor can offer to student the schematic diagram of the task.
Requirements for the printed circuit board: - Double-layer PCB; - All components as SMDs; - Signal PCB tracks: 0.3mm, mitered corners; - Spacings: min. 0.3mm; - DC power supply of the module: 6V, PWR tracks of 1mm; - GND structure: partial metallic plane placed onto bottom side, having a gap of 1mm to the interconnection structure; - Board: circular in shape (4cm in diameter), with 1mounting hole of 6mm in the middle of the board; - Components density (Area of components/Area of board) > 55%; - A text (entitled TASK 2) placed onto the top electrical layer, written with copper, and having the parameters: height= 2.54mm, trace width= 0.5mm.
The task consists in the conception and design of the digital PCB module presented above and understanding of design techniques for development of a double-layer printed circuit board, with partial greund plane, for digital applications.
The task has to be solved based on the associated tutorials and references list. In addition, various unknown terms can be found in the glossary section, which help the student to understand and fix the knowledges for future engineering activities in digital PCB design and electronic packaging fields. - Passive Electronic Components and Structures - Active Electronic Components and Devices - Digital Integrated Circuits - Basics of Electronic Packaging - Basics of PCB