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Introduction in schematic design of PCB projects tutorial


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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Creating the "Bill of Materials" report


A bill of materials includes parts that don’t have pins. This makes it possible to include non-electrical parts such as screws, washers, and other hardware that you may have in your project.


These parts won’t, however, appear in a netlist because they don’t have pins. You can use the Bill of Materials command from the project manager’s Tools menu to create a bill of materials in a file which you can then print using a word processor or text editor. The bill of materials includes the properties item, quantity, reference, and part value. You can customize the report to include other properties.


Creating a bill of materials

1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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