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Introduction in schematic design of PCB projects tutorial


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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Getting hard copies


To send output to a printer, a plotter, or an encapsulated PostScript® file, use the standard Windows Print Setup, Print Preview, and Print dialog boxes. Printing commands can be chosen from the File menu in the project manager, the schematic page editor, or the part editor. You can print schematic pages, parts, or packages.


You can print or plot a schematic page, or several schematic pages, from the project manager. With the part editor active and open to a specific part or package, you can create a print or a plot of that part or package. You can also print a library part from the project manager.

1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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