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Introduction in schematic design of PCB projects tutorial


1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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Connections and busses


Wires and buses are used to conduct signals between parts and electrical objects. Nets are made up of one or more wires; a bus represents multiple signals or nets.


Two wires or two buses can be connected physically by the following methods:


§         If you begin or end a wire segment on a segment of another wire, as in a T-intersection, Capture adds a junction and the wires are connected.

§         If you begin or end a bus segment on a segment of another bus, as in a T-intersection, Capture adds a junction and the buses are connected.

§         If you begin or end a wire segment on a segment of another wire, as if to continue the same wire, Capture treats it as one wire. The same is true of two bus segments.

1. Introduction in CAE-CAD-CAM and schematic design environment
2. Management of schematic designs
3. Symbols and parts (virtual components)
4. Working with various SCM items
5. Hierarchical and concatenated schematic diagrams
6. Finishing and optimizing the schematic diagram

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