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Dry etching tutorial


1. Plasma assisted etching
2. Solid phase etching

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  • End point detection
    • It is important to know how much we should etch, considering that it is difficult to insure etch selectivity in relation with all other materials
    • end point detection - gives and indication of the etching time, by measuring the transparent film thickness with relectometry
    • a laser beam is send in-situ towards the film (during the etching process inside the reactor) and the total reflectance is measured
      • Total reflectance: Er = Ei * h(d, n)
        • Ei = incident beam
        • d = film thicknesses
        • n = refractive index of the film
      • because the reflactance depends on the film thickness, the film thickness can be calculated from the measured reflectance



  • Etch Rate and Flow
    • Etching rate increases with increasing the the flow rate , because also the concentration of reactants increases
    • At high flow rates, however the reactants are pumped out before before etching can occur, thus the etching rate starts to decrease,
      • as it can be seen on the lower graph in wich etching rate is drawn as a function of flow rate
      • a maximum in etch rate can be observed, and the suitable etching conditions can be chosen if a high etch rate is desired


1. Plasma assisted etching
2. Solid phase etching

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