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Advanced lithography tutorial


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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  • Projection EBL (SCALPEL)
    • Direct writing is too slow → thus it was replaced by projection writing
    • Mask is a problem for EBL → thin membranes are required to reduce absorption
    • Scattering material with high Z are used to block the electron beam in desired regions, membrane is made of low Z material
    • Magnetic lenses are used instead of optical ones (the beam of electrons, not photons) to reduce the design from the mask to the wafer
    • An aperture is placed in the focal plane to block the scattered electrons
    • Main problems: stitching structures (two areas obtained in 2 different steps), masks fabrication


  • Applications of e-beam litho
    • High resolution: 0.1 microns
    • Low througput
    • Applications: masks, test die, research

1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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