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Advanced lithography tutorial


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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  • Scattering of the electrons
    • 2 types
      • Forward: small angles(left picture)
      • Back: large angles(right picture)
    • Backscattering is a bigger problem, because causes the line to spread, affects the resist from the unexposed area
    • Solution for backscattering: using a thinner resist will cause less scattering, then the pattern is transferred to a thicker resist with less scattering underneath the thin one


  • Proximity effect
    • Effect: unintentional sputtering to neighboring areas
      • Isolated lines become thinner
    • Cause: forward sputtering
    • Solution: modify the dose (a larger dose has to be given for isolated thin lines, a smaller dose for the big square regions)


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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