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Advanced lithography tutorial


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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  • Photon interaction with matter
  1. Photoelectron effect            for low energy photons  (electron is emitted)              
  2. Compton effect                    for high energy photons (electron and photon are emitted)

The emitted electrons are called secondary electrons


    •  X-ray lithography
      • After an electron is emitted X-ray lithography resembles electron beam lithography, because the electron can interact with resist in a similar way as the electron beams do in EBL
      • Secondary electrons from X-ray have lower energy than from electrons, thus the interaction is less spread (advantage for X-ray lithography)

  • Electron interaction with matter
    • Elastic scattering - the electron is deflected, changing the direction and size of velocity only
    • Inelastic scattering - which can cause excitation of the atom and even electron emission by the atom with which the electron is interacting
    • Damage of the film !

1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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