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Photolithography tutorial


1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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  • Hard bake  - done on hot plate as the other bakes at a higher temperature of 120-140oC and for a longer time of 15 minutes
    • Harden resist against etching, bombardment
    •  If the baking takes time for too long, then the resist profile can be changed, which is not desired

  • Inspection
    • Find Defects before Etching or Implanting with an optical microscope as seen in the picture below
    • Check if there were development  problems such as:
      • Underdevelop - the resist has low contrast and the dose was not sufficient - solution: increase dose
      • Incomplete develop - the resist is not completely removed - solution: increase develop time
      • Severe overdevelop -  there was too much resist removed due to a too large develop or exposure time
  • The resist is removed when is not needed anymore by wet or dry etching


1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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