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Physical Vapor Deposition tutorial


1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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Sources used in evaporation

  • resistive heating
    • based on heating a filament by passing a current (Joule energy)
    • disadvantages: outgassing and evaporation of wire

  • inductive
    • used for refractory metals
  • rf heating
    • used for dielectrics
    • RF induces eddy currents which heat the source
    • problems with contamination

  • electron-bombardment heating
  • laser evaporation
    • Description: A target is exposed to a laser beam, energy is absorbed, causing excitation of atoms and evaporation. A plume of radicals, ions, molecules is formed. The substrate is immersed in this plume for coating.
    • History: developed in 1970
    • Disadvantage: this method is highly directional and therefore the main problem is the uniformity of the deposited layer
      • To improve uniformity several techniques are used:

        • rotating and scanning the wafer

        • placing a mirror in the laser beam, thus the spot on the target that is hit by the laser beam becomes larger, enlarging the plume

    • Multiple sources are used for deposition of alloys or multilayered films.


1. Evaporation processes
2. Sputtering processes

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