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Electromechanical Transducers tutorial


1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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Transversal capacitive transducer

  • Movable electrode is displaced off-plane, perpendicularly to the electrode surface
  • Original distance between the electrodes d varies by the displacement ux when the transducer is in function
  • Instantaneous transducer capacity is:

where e is the permittivity of the dielectric between the electrodes

A is the electrode surface area

  • When the voltage U (or the charge Q) is applied between the electrodes, the energy of the system can be expressed as:

  • Differentiation of the preceding Equation relating to the displacement ux and to the voltage U gives:
    Principle of virtual work

  • Supposing that the voltage is invariant gives:
    constant voltage mode

  • Supposing that the charge is invariant gives:
    constant charge mode

  • In a practice, capacitive transducers operate between these two modes
  • Quadratic relation between the force and the voltage or the charge can be linearized by the application of the polarization voltage or by the polarization charge
  • Alternating quantities are superposed on the polarization
  • If we consider small signals, we can express the mechanical and the electrical quantities of the transducer in a frequency domain. We thus have for a

Transversal capacitive transducer with a constant voltage:
Supposing small signals

where is a transduction factor

Q0 is the static charge

is the distance between the electrodes at a rest

is the negative compliance

C0 is the capacity at a rest

I is the current passing through the condenser

V is the velocity of the movable electrode

Analogue circuit representation of the preceding equations:

Impedance Zm represents the effect of mechanical components attached to the transducer

Presence of the negative compliance is related to the transducer stability - without collapsing the movable electrode towards the fixed electrode

In order to provide the stable operation of the transducer, the external compliance c must be added to the system.

This compliance that is a part of the impedance Zm must satisfy the condition:

This condition can be expressed by the following relation in term of the value of the polarization voltage:

The limiting value of the polarization voltage U0 is called as pull-in voltage.

Transversal capacitive transducer with a constant charge:

Similar analogue circuit representation as in the case of constant voltage
Difference: negative compliance doesn?t appear

Transducer polarization

  • Linearize the transducer performance
  • Serves as a source of energy in the case of the sensor
  • Can be realized by
    • external source
    • dielectric material, called electret
      conserves permanently the electric polarisation
      Application of an electret can be realized by a deposition of an electret layer on of two electrodes

1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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