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CAD methods for generation of electronic schematics (diagrams) tutorial


1. Fundamental concepts
2. Design aspects of a low complexity electronic schematic

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For practical work the student has to use:

·        Menu commands;

·        Buttons from the toolbar of the program Capture toolbar and from the  tool palette;

·        pop-up menu commands showing up when right-clicking .


The menu commands are active depending on the actions we take  and on the selected  components.Similarly the pop-up menu has a different content depending on the context.


The two toolbars are dockable that is we can move them in different positions being reconfigurable as shape.When placing the pointer on buttons a legend with its name is displayed (tool tips). The bars’ initial postions were presented in figure 3 and the significance of the right bar instruments  are presented in figure 4.

Fig. 4 Toolbar for electronic and non-electronic objects frequently used

1. Fundamental concepts
2. Design aspects of a low complexity electronic schematic

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