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Design aspects for analog PCB modules tutorial


1. Practical analog design rules

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  • Use single-point grounding for low-frequency applications (audio, analog instrumentation, 60 Hz power systems, etc.) with clock rates of 1.0 MHz and lower. Use multipoint grounding for high-frequency systems using clock rates greater than 1.0 MHz .
  • Minimize inductive trace lengths of components by not using sockets for through-hole devices.
  • Bypassing is a function of circuit resonance. Determine if the circuit is a series, parallel or parallel C-series RL network. Calculate resonant frequency.
  • Take into consideration the lead length of radial and axial capacitors when selecting a capacitor for a particular self-resonant range of frequency.
  • Capacitors decouple RF currents up to their point of self-resonance. Above self-resonance, the capacitor goes inductive and will cease to remove RF currents created by components. Certain logic families have a higher spectral distribution of RF energy than self-resonant frequency of commonly used decoupling capacitors.
  • Use parallel capacitors to bypass a larger bandwidth of RF spectral energy on all high-speed components and in high-RF-bandwidth areas.

1. Practical analog design rules

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