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Internet-based Performance Centred Instruction
Modelling tutorial


1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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One-dimensional Mechanical System

  • Longitudinal Waves in a Bar
    • Uniform cross-section
    • Loaded with a uniform stress on its end faces
    • Dimensions shown in figure:

    • Material properties of the bar:
      •  Young's modulus E
      • Density r
    • Longitudinal (extensional or compressional) velocity:


    • Approximation of longitudinal velocity by considering lateral displacements:




           ...   wave number

              ...   Poisson ratio

     ...   moment of inertia of the cross-section


    • Model corresponding to the simple lossless structure of the preceding figure:


Impedances in this circut are defined as:


1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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