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Modelling tutorial


1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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Distributed-elements systems can be used for modelling and/or analysis of:

  • Systems that can be considered as linear
    Condition fulfilled under small-signal conditions
  • Systems with propagation effects
    System dimensions to wavelength ratio is comparable with 1

One-Dimensional Systems

  • Dimensions on the plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis are small compared with the wavelength
  • System parameters can be functions of the length coordinate:
    • Cross-section
    • Coefficient of absorption
    • Electric resistance per unit length
    • ...
  • Examples of one-dimensional systems
    • Mechanical
      • String
      • Bar
    • Acoustic
      • Tubes

Two-Dimensional Systems

  • Systems possessing two dimensions that are large in comparison to the third one
  • Examples of two-dimensional systems
    • Mechanical
      • Plates
      • Membranes
    • Acoustic
      • Slots

Three-Dimensional Systems

  • The most general description must be used to study the propagation of mechanical or acoustic waves
    • in an anisotropic medium
    • or to describe the propagation in three dimensions

1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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