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CAD techniques for PCB design tutorial


1. The PCB Layout design flow
2. Starting a PCB project
3. The Layout design environment
4. Setting up the virtual board
5. Creating and editing obstacles
6. Working with footprints and components
7. CAD procedures for placing and routing

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Creating height or group keepins and keepouts

You can restrict component placement based on physical constraints using the Comp height keepin or Comp height keepout obstacle types. A height keepin contains all components at or above a specified height, while a height keepout excludes all components at or above a specified height.

You can also restrict placement based on group number (assigned in the schematic) using the Comp group keepin or Comp group keepout obstacle types. A group keepin contains all the components in a specified group, while a group keepout excludes all the components in a specified group.

To create keepins and keepouts

1 Choose the obstacle toolbar button.

2 From the pop-up menu, choose New.

3 Draw a rectangle that defines the desired keepin or keepout area.

4 Double-click on the rectangle. The Edit Obstacle dialog box appears.

5 In the Obstacle Type drop-down list, select Comp height keepin or Comp height keepout.

6 In the Height text box, enter a number corresponding to the height of the components you want to include or exclude, then choose the OK button or in the Obstacle Type drop-down list, select Comp group keepin or Comp group keepout. In the Group text box, enter a number corresponding to the group number of the components you want to include or exclude, then choose the OK button.

7 From the pop-up menu, choose Finish. If you created a component height restriction, the rectangle displays the height number and the words "Comp keepin" or "Comp keepout." or From the pop-up menu, choose Finish. If you created a component group restriction, the rectangle displays the group number and the words "Group number keepin" or "Group number keepout."

1. The PCB Layout design flow
2. Starting a PCB project
3. The Layout design environment
4. Setting up the virtual board
5. Creating and editing obstacles
6. Working with footprints and components
7. CAD procedures for placing and routing

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