The Lock command is temporary; you can easily override the command. However, the Fix command must be disabled in the Edit Component dialog box. The Fix command is intended for parts like connectors and mounting holes that need to be placed permanently in specific locations.
To secure components on the board
Choose the component toolbar button.
To select all of the preplaced components, hold the left mouse button down while you drag the mouse, drawing a rectangle around the components. Release the left mouse button. Each selected component is highlighted.
To temporarily lock components at a location, choose Lock from the pop-up menu or to permanently fix components at a location, choose Fix from the pop-up menu.
To override the Lock command
Select a few locked components. A dialog box asking "One or more components locked. Override?" appears.
Choose the OK button. The components are unlocked.
To override the Fix command
Choose the spreadsheet toolbar button, then choose Components. The Components spreadsheet appears.
Double-click on the row for the component that you want to move. The Edit Component dialog box appears.
In the Component flags group box, deselect the Fixed option, then choose the OK button.