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T-branch, a hidden discontinuity tutorial


1. Introduction
2. Models and parameters
3. Practical solutions
4. Final remarks

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To keep reflections from T-branch at minimum or to avoid them, one solution is to calculate the length of all the stubs and to make them to be shorter than a half of the critical length (where “critical length” represents 0.5 of the distance the pulse emitted by the source can travel in the rise time). Using this artifice the designer can keep the same track width also after the branch. Of course, far end terminations are necessary to realize the matching. Utilization of “miter corner” or “fillet corner” techniques represents a false solution because after the manual or automatic procedure the branch discontinuity still remain (figure 4), in addition being observed very unusual configuration which do not help in any mode.

Fig. 4 “Miter corner” (a) and “Fillet corner” (b)

for T-branch

1. Introduction
2. Models and parameters
3. Practical solutions
4. Final remarks

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