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Electromechanical Transducers tutorial


1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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  Membrane sensors

  • Possible disposition of piezoresistors on the membrane:
    • Configuration of four p-type piezoresistors
      • Positions on the membrane
      • Membrane orientation relatively to the plane of the wafer

Piezoresistors on a membrane, a) cross section, b) top view

  • Usually designed as thin single crystal silicon plates supported on the borders by a thick mass of silicon substrate
  • Several piezoresistors connected in a bridge circuit - in order to maximize sensitivity
  • Usually a piezoresistor is built in the proximity of the edge of the membrane to utilize stress concentration due to the deformation by externally applied load
  • Stresses in two perpendicular directions are experienced - unlike cantilever beam where only one stress direction can be detected
  • If one of piezoresistors experience a longitudinal stress TL, then it must simultaneously experience a transverse stress TT = n TL
  • Total change in resistance, assuming uniform stress over the entire resistor, would be:

  • Another form of the preceding relation:
    Taking into account the Hooke?s relation between stress and strain

where K is the gauge factor.

  • Values of piezoresistive coefficients and of Poisson ratio and thus of gauge factor depend on
                            • Material
                            • Given orientation
  • p-type piezoresistors often used - high values of piezoresistive coefficients
  • It must be remembered that to use a p-type piezoresistor, one must diffuse it into an n-type substrate to achieve junction isolation
  • Alternatively, to isolate piezoresistors from each other and from substrate, polycrystalline silicon surface-micromachined structures can be used

1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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