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Electromechanical Transducers tutorial


1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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  Resistive component of piezoresistivity

  • Resistivity in an anisotropic material defined as a relation the electric field, E to the current flow, J
  • E and J in 3-dimensions
  • Resistivity, r defined as a second-rank tensor that has nine elements expressed in a 3׳ matrix
  • These elements reduce to six independent values from symmetry considerations

  • Case of silicon crystal aligned to the (100) axes
    Cubic lattice structure
    ρ1, ρ2 and ρ3 will be equal, as they all represent resistance along the (100) axes (denoted by ρ)
    Remaining components represent cross-axis resistivities, will be zero because unstressed silicon is electrically isotropic
  • When stress is applied to silicon, the components in the resistivity matrix change:

  • Matrix of relative resistivity d:
          where  Dr ...  resistivity variation

                       r    ...  unstrained resistivity

  • Electric field - current relation in more general form:

  • Relative resistivity
      • Related to the stress by the piezoresistive effect
      • Stress and resistivity are a second-rank tensors
      • Piezoresistive effect requires a four-rank tensor of piezoresistive coefficients for its full description
      • Due to symmetry conditions, this tensor is populated by only three non-zero components, as shown:

      • Piezoresistive tensor coefficients, πij have units of Pa-1
      • They may be either positive or negative and are sensitive to doping type, doping level and operating temperature
      • π11 relates the resistivity in any direction to stress in the same direction
      • π12 and π44 are cross-terms
      • Typical room-temperature values of piezoresistance coefficients and resistivity for p-type and n-type silicon:

      • Relative resistance change
        Preferred representation expressing the fractional change in an arbitrarily oriented diffused resistor


πL and TL are the piezoresistive coefficient and stress parallel to the direction of current flow in the resistor
                           (i.e., parallel to its length)


πT and TT are the values in the transverse direction

      • Orientations of piezoresistor relatively to the applied stress
        correspond to the most common situations in piezoresistive sensor devices
          • Longitudinal orientation
          • Transversal orientation

      • Piezoresistive coefficients for two possible gauge orientations in the case of (100) silicon wafers

1. Electrostatic Transducers
2. Piezoresistive Transducers

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