Capacitive Pressure Sensor Characteristics
Advantages of capacitive sensors compared with piezoresistive devices:
Scaling down the device dimensions is easier
because concerns about sress averaging and resistor tolerance are eliminated
No mechanical contact, friction error or hysteresis errors in the measurement
High stability and reproducibility
Minimum dependence on the temperature
because the dielectric constant changes little with temperature
High temperature operation (>125 oC)
MEMS technology enables to manufacture signal conditioning circuits on the same wafer,
very close to the sensor. Thus the interference of stray capacitance can be reduced
to a minimum and the sensor still has a very small size
Virtually no power consumption
High overpressure capability and high resistance to pressure shocks
Limitations of capacitive sensors:
- Capacitance changes nonlinearly with diaphragm displacement and applied pressure
- Output impedance of the device is large
this affects the interface circuit design
- Parasitic capacitance between the interface circuit and the device output
can have a significant negative impact on the readout circuit.
It must be placed in close proximity to the device in a hybrid or monolithic implementation.
- Transferring a signal at the counter electrode out of the cavity in the case of absolute pressure sensors
can present a substantial manufacturing challenge
More details 
Related reading
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