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Photolithography tutorial


1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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Depth of focus(DOF)

  • the optics are arranged so that the image is formed clear in the center of resist thickness
  • if the resist is very thick, the image will be out of focus at the surface of the resist or at the interface with the substrate
  • the situtation appears where due to topology, the resist is thicker than usual
  • DOF is defined as the dimension (resist thickness) for which the image formed is still clear:
  • For systems with low DOF, planarization of the substrate is required
  • With increasing the resolution by increasing the NA of the system, DOF is severely decreased, thus a compromise between resolution and depth of focus is needed
    • a possibility is to use immersion lithography (the space between the mask and wafer is filled with water), which increases DOF for a constant low NA

MASK - an example of a mask is given in the picture. Masks are fabricated with direct writting.




  • The image from the mask is decreased and exposed on a part of the wafer. Then the position of the wafer is modified and the image is exposed again to the nearby region
  • Very high NA - high resolution
  • Disadvantage: throughput (more exposures are required for the same wafer)

Step and Scan

  • The wafer and reticle are moving, both are scanned in the same time, during exposure

Mask protection

  • Pellicle - to keep free of defects (particles are kept at a distance from the mask, thus they will be kept out of focus)
  • Antireflective coatings to avoid reflection of light
    • Reflections of light on mask or wafer can cause unwanted exposure (light is reflected in the regions which are supposed to be protected by mask) → hole in metal lines
  • Automatic inspection of mask defects

Standing waves

  • Created from interference of incident and reflected waves
  • Standing waves cause non-uniform exposure along the thickness of the photoresist film.
  • Solutions:
    • Antireflective coating



1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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