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Photolithography tutorial


1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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Consists of:

  • Light source - intense source (for short exposure time) with short wavelength (for high resolution)
    • High pressure arc mercury lamp
      • 2 electrodes in a high pressure mercury vapor
      • High voltage applied to accelerate electrons; Hg atoms excited by collisions with electrons, deexcite by emitting a photon
      • Wavelength depends on the energy state of the excited atom - i-line (at 365 nm) is the strongest, h-line (405 nm), g-line (436 nm)
    • Excimer laser (discussed later)
    • Advanced (X-ray, electrons, ions)
  • Reflecting/refracting optics - pupose: colect, collimate, filter, focus the light
    • Collect - lamp in focal point of mirror, in order to collect almost all the emitted light
    • Colimate - produces parallel beams of light
    • Filter - in order to use only one line from the emited spectra
    • Uniformise the light intensity over the wafer by decollimating and reshaping it


1. Optical sources
2. Photoresists

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