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Effectiveness of the PWR-GND planes decoupling capacitor tutorial


1. Effectiveness of the PWR-GND planes decoupling capacitor

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Table 1 shows the value of the PCB inductance for the three configurations seen above. The PWR and GND plane configuration gives the best result and a quite big decoupling capacitor.



PWR track &

GND track

PWR track &

GND plane

PWR plane &

GND plane

L (nH)

115 + 115 = 230

51 + 0.8 = 51.8

0.025 + 0.025 = 0.05





Tab. 1 Comparison of PCB inductances (wt= 1mm, w= 10cm, l= 10cm, h=1.6mm)

1. Effectiveness of the PWR-GND planes decoupling capacitor

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