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Tutorial CAD techniques for PCB design Norocel-Dragos Codreanu


1 The PCB Layout design flow
2 Starting a PCB project
3 The Layout design environment
4 Setting up the virtual board
5 Creating and editing obstacles
6 Working with footprints and components
7 CAD procedures for placing and routing


"CAD for PCB" covers the basics of CAD-Computer Aided Design in development of PCB. The course presents techniques and methods for placement, routing, and optimizing the PCB. The last part is destined to CAD-CAM systems for post-processing, Gerber/Excellon files generation, and interfacing designer and fabricator. The CAD area is based on OrCAD and supports all the phases of the design process: design creation, placement of footprints, routing of traces, post-processing, and inter-tool communication.

Below is offered a "zip" archive of the complete "CAD for PCB" tutorial. After the download the student shall find four Powerpoint course modules.


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