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T-branch, a hidden discontinuity tutorial


1. Introduction
2. Models and parameters
3. Practical solutions
4. Final remarks

pages: [1]


T-branch is a much stronger discontinuity than other usual discontinuities (as corner, via, step in width) present in metallic passive interconnection structures due to the impedance mismatch on the order of about 50% and the length of spatial zone in which the perturbation is found.

Some practical solution were presented in the 3rd paragraph and the designer can use them in all the cases during the PCB development stage for all digital applications, but especially for high speed design when transmission line concepts have to be carefully taken into account. For analog projects the solutions can be utilized as well.

In the tutorial some empirical formulas obtained from the work of high reputation scientists were presented. But it is important to note these formulas have some limitations in practice due to both of limited range of parameters and limited precision of such non-exact mathematical structures.

1. Introduction
2. Models and parameters
3. Practical solutions
4. Final remarks

pages: [1]

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