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Advanced lithography tutorial


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

pages: [1]

Ion Beam Lithography

  • Ions interact with the photoresist, instead of photons, changing its chemistry, the photoresist can then be removed during developing
  • Advantages of ion beams:
    • Higher resist sensitivity
    • Can be focused to narrower linewidth
    • Reduced Scattering
    • Allows hybrid processes such as ion-induced etching and implantation
  • Types of ion beam lithography are shown in the three pictures below: direct, contact, projection

  • FIBL -projection
    • Electrostatic lenses are employed due to large mass of ions
    • Mass spectrometers are used to separate different species of ions
    • Effects of the ion beam on the substrate:
      • Displacement of atoms.
      • Emission of electrons.
      • Chemical effect - change of solubility of the resist.
      • Sputtering of substrate atoms by low energy ions.
    • May result in resist heating as high as 1500oC

1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

pages: [1]

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