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Advanced lithography tutorial


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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  • Micro-contact printing
    • a master is used to make in PDMS material a stamp
    • the stamp can be used to write several wafers, such as a mask
    • light is not used, intead the stamp is introduced in ink
    • as usual stamps, the stamp is pressed on a surface (gold) and the ink will remain on the surface in the higher regions (a pattern is made)
    • The dried ink is then used as a mask for the golden surface, which will be removed in the unprotected regions by etching
    • applications: may realise the connection between electronics and biology


1. Electron beam lithography
2. X-ray lithography
3. Ion beam lithography
4. Nanolithography

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