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Modelling tutorial


1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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Basic structural elements

  • Axially Loaded Beams
    • The simplest structure
    • Slender beam with rectangular cross section of the length L, the width w, and the height h.
    • Beam with one fixed end
    • Typical one-dimensional problem
    • Stress corresponding to the axial load force T = F/wh creates the strain S = DL/L

  • Relation for the strain:
    Based on the basic definition of elasticity

Static analysis

    • Force, F and the deformation DL are constant along the beam
    • Static compliance, cs, and the spring constant, k:
      beam functioning as a spring element

Dynamic analysis

    • Based on the solution of the equation of motion corresponding to this case
    • The equation of motion for the longitudinal displacement ux:

    • The solution for displacement ux corresponding to the boundary conditions shown in preceding figure:

     where   ...    uL is the displacement at the free end of the beam
                                                     k is the wave number
                                                     x is the coordinate

    • Strain along the beam is defined by the relation:

    • Stress corresponding to the strain:
      from the Hooke's law


    • Mechanical impedance, ZmL at the point x=L
      supposing the harmonic movement

    where   TL ... stress at the free end of the beam

      FL ...  force at the free end of the beam

    • Mechanical admittance
      from previous expression by replacing the goniometric functions by its decomposition to the series

         where  me   ...  equivalent mass
                                                                   cn   ...  compliance equivalent to the mode of vibrations n

    • Circuit representation of mechanical impedance of an axially loaded beam
      mass, compliance, and optionally resistance connected in series for each mode
      branches corresponding to each mode connected in parallel


1. Lumped-element Systems
2. Distributed Element Systems
3. Reduced-order Models

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