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Fundamentals of PCB design tutorial


1. Introduction
2. Units of measure and working grids
3. PCB items in the design stage
4. Placing of components
5. Routing of tracks
6. Finishing and optimizing the layout
7. Special issues in layout design

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Vias connect the tracks from one side of your board to another, by way of a hole in your board. On all but cheap home made and low end commercial prototypes, vias are made with electrically plated holes, called Plated Through Holes (PTH). Plated through holes allow electrical connection between different layers on your board.

What is the difference between a via and a pad? Practically speaking there is no real difference, they are both just electrically plated holes. But there are differences when it comes to PCB design packages. Pads and Vias are, and should be, treated differently. You can globally edit them separately, and do some more advanced things to be discussed later. So don’t use a pad in place of a via, and vice-versa.

Holes in vias are usually a fair bit smaller than component pads, with 0.5-0.7mm being typical. Using a via to connect two layers is commonly called "stitching", as you are effectively electrically stitching both layers together, like threading a needle back and forth through material. Throw the term stitching a few times into a conversation and you’ll really sound like a PCB professional!

1. Introduction
2. Units of measure and working grids
3. PCB items in the design stage
4. Placing of components
5. Routing of tracks
6. Finishing and optimizing the layout
7. Special issues in layout design

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