Proper PCB design is very often an integral part of a larger design of an electronic product. In many PCB projects (high speed digital, low level analog, RF, etc) thePCB layout may make or break the operation and electrical performance of the whole assembly or product. PCB traces have resistance, inductance, and capacitance and for this reason they act in many cases as passive circuits, not as ideal wires which transfer perfectly the signal from generator to receiver.
Regarding the way of design, there are various industry standards for almost every aspect of PCB design. These standards are developed in USA by IPC (named in the past Institute for interconnecting and Packaging electronic Circuits and now Institute for Connecting Electronics Industries). The very useful website IPC has created standards for every aspect of PCB design, manufacture, testing, etc.
The major document that covers PCB design is IPC-2221, "Generic Standard on Printed Board Design". This standard superseded the old IPC-D-275 standard which has been used for the last half century. The tutor of the course can offer to students IPC-2221 for study and research. In Europe there are also European standards for many aspects of PCB design and manufacture, but IPC standards are considered the worldwide accepted industry standards. Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are also known as Printed Wiring Boards (PWB), or Printed Boards (PB, but not very often).
The user does not forget the schematic diagram that should be drawn with the PCB layout design in mind. A good SCM project smooths the path for a good PCB project, the first step for a good working electronic product.