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Internet-based Performance Centred Instruction
Substrate selection and fabrication tutorial


1. Wafer material
2. Wafer properties
3. Wafer fabrication
4. Wafer cleaning

pages: 1

PURPOSE: The wafer is cleaned in chemical baths in order to remove unwanted impurities.

WHERE:  At the wet bench:

CLEANING AGENTS: There are three steps; each one addresses a separate type of contaminant:

  • SC1 (ammonia - NH4OH, hydrogen peroxide - H2O2 and deionised -DI water) removes organic contaminants and particles.
    • Cleaning mechanism: (see animation below)
      • the wafer is introduced in oxidant ambient H2O2
      • it is oxidized by molecules, forming a thin layer of SiO2 at the surface
      • when the SiO2 layer is removed by etching, the particle will be also removed, leaving a clean surface

    • another cleaning mechanism may take place by ionizing the surface with the ions from the solution, the particle is then pushed away from the surface by repulsive forces.
  • SC2 (H2O, H2O2 and HCl) removes metal contaminants.
  • Hydrofluoric acid - HF removes native and chemical oxides.

At the end, the wafer is rinsed in DI water and dried by spinning (the spinner can be observed at the bottom of the picture - the round holder).

1. Wafer material
2. Wafer properties
3. Wafer fabrication
4. Wafer cleaning

pages: 1

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