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Accelerometers tutorial


1. Introduction to Acceleration Measurement
2. Piezoresistive Accelerometers
3. Capacitive Accelerometer

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Capacitive Accelerometer Characteristics


  • An important advantage of capacitive accelerometers is that there is no inherent temperature sensitivity
    Dielectric constants changes little with temperature
  • The only thermal effect is a change in the capacitance due to thermal expansion of the constituent elements
  • A symmetrical sensor design reduces the effect of thermal expansion to a minimum, so that these sensors often do not need any active temperature compensation
  • High temperature operation (>125 oC)
  • Scaling down the device dimensions is easier than in the case of piezoresistive sensing
    Concerns about stress averaging and resistor tolerance are eliminated
  • No mechanical contact, friction error or hysteresis errors in the measurement.
  • High stability
  • High reproducibility
  • MEMS technology enables to manufacture signal conditioning circuits, needed to make the measurement, on the same wafer, very close to the sensor
    Interference of stray capacitance can be reduced to a minimum and the sensor still has a very small size
  • Virtually no power consumption
  • High overpressure capability and high resistance to pressure shocks


  • The capacitance changes nonlinearly with diaphragm displacement and applied pressure
  • Output impedance of the device is large
    Affects the interface circuit design
  • Parasitic capacitance between the interface circuit and the device output can have a significant negative impact on the readout
    Circuit must be placed in close proximity to the device in a hybrid or monolithic implementation
  • Transferring the signal at the counter electrode can be difficult in the case of absolute pressure sensors
    In order to retain the hermetic seal

More information

Related Reading

Asch G., Les capteurs en instrumentation industrielle, Dunod, 1982.

Gad-el-Hak M. (ed.), The MEMS Handbook, CRC Press, 2002.

Lemkin M., Boser B.E., "A three-axis micromachined accelerometer with a CMOS position-sense interface and digital offset-trim electronics", IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, pp. 456-468, 1999.

Petersen K.E., Shartel A., Raley N.F., ?Micromechanical accelerometer integrated with MOS detection circuitry?, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-29, pp. 23-27, 1982.

Ristic, L., Sensor Technology and Devices, Artech House, 1994.

Rudolf, F., "A micromechanical capacitive accelerometer with a two-point inertial-mass suspension", Sensors and Actuators, vol. 4, pp. 191-8, 1982.

Rudolf, F., Jornod A., Bencze, P., ?Silicon microaccelerometer?, Transducers 87, Tokyo, Japan, Dig. Of Tech Papers, pp. 395-8, 1987.

Rufer L., Les microsystemes electromecaniques. in Mir, S. (Ed.), Les applications des microsystemes sur silicium. Traite EGEM, Hermes Science Publications, pp. 19-64, 2002.

Seidel H., Riedel H., Kolbeck R., M?, Kupke W., K?er M., "Capacitive silicon accelerometer with highly symmetrical design", Sensors and Actuators, vol. A21-A23, pp. 312-315, 1990.

Senturia S. D., Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

Zimmermann L., Ebersoh J.Ph., Le Hung F., Berry J.P., Baillieu F., Rey P., Diem B., Renard S., Caillat P., "Airbag application: a microsystem including a silicon capacitive accelerometer, CMOS switched capacitor electronics and true self-test capability", Sensors and Actuators, vol. A 46-47, pp. 190-195, 1995.

1. Introduction to Acceleration Measurement
2. Piezoresistive Accelerometers
3. Capacitive Accelerometer

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