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Accelerometers tutorial


1. Introduction to Acceleration Measurement
2. Piezoresistive Accelerometers
3. Capacitive Accelerometer

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Shock and vibration measurements applications

      • Development, testing and operational monitoring of structures and machines
        • Machine health monitoring
        • Fault diagnosis
        • Structural diagnosis
      • Human vibration measurements
      • Crash detection for airbag deployment in cars
      • Provision of feedback signals to steady the image in a video recorder against hand-held vibration
      • ...

For the sensing of the vibratory motion are almost exclusively used accelerometers

      • High accuracy
      • Wide-band frequency and amplitude response
      • Small size
      • Light weight
      • Long life and ease of installation

Acceleration units

      • Standard SI unit for acceleration: ms-2
      • Multiples of the gravitational acceleration, g = 9.98 ms-2

Range of acceleration values in different applications

      • From 10-6 g to 2.105 g
      • Airbag systems sensitivities
        • for front-impact 20 to 100 g
        • for side-impact 100 to 250 g

Categories of acceleration measurement

      • Acceleration measurement of solid bodies (airplanes, missiles, cars, ?) with a low frequency variations (0 to few tens of Hz)
      • Low frequency vibration measurement (up to few hundreds of Hz)
      • High frequency vibration measurement (up to few tens of kHz)
      • Shocks measurements (high level of acceleration in the frequency band up to 100 kHz)

1. Introduction to Acceleration Measurement
2. Piezoresistive Accelerometers
3. Capacitive Accelerometer

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